Much worse...

I've just spent 6 hours in A & E.

I felt so rotten today, breathless, heart racing, exhaustion, i couldn't take it anymore.

Basically i am being treated for DVT. Which is shit. I am having to inject myself everyday for the next...who knows?

AND (AND SARAH O O IF YOU ARE READING THIS)...They took blood from my fucking wrist!!!!!! WTF? SOOOO PAINFUL. :(


Nikki said…
:( I hope you feel better soon x
em said…
oh sarah what an ordeal. hope you improve soon and dont have to put up with too much pain. i had the blood gas thing from the wrist, ouch its so painful. xxxxxx
Amy said…
Oh no! That's so crud!!! I hope you feel better soon and I agree, WTF with the wrist needles?!?!?!

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