A change...

... Yes people, i have (after a million years) changed up the appearance of my blog. What do you think? Oh...and i've gone back to my original blog name too :)


Clare said…
Loving the new blog Sarah altho I thought I'd logged into the wrong one at first lol. Take care,

Clare x
Sarah♥ said…
A little bit brighter....Don't you think!? xxx
em said…
absolutely love the background. keep it!!! xxx
Sarah♥ said…
I might change the font yet... I don't know. I'm not sure... But thank you xxx
coffeecup said…
Woah! Wow! This is quite a change! Liking it very much :) You will now find though that the new design function is very addictive!! x
Flipper said…
wow, i love it :) x
Sarah♥ said…
Thank you ladies :)

Sarah said…
WOOO! Bright and happy! I was taken aback when I first clicked on. Now...change your profile pic! Never liked it mysef...a little creepy and you're much prettier than that.
Sarah♥ said…
It is a bit of a shock to the system initially...but once you're here, your eyes do adjust!


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