Gone into hiding...

If only i knew when to stop the picking, that would be just great. So between digging at my skin with a needle, then changing it to tweezers, i look a frigging mess, but it doesn't stop there. Not happy enough with creating huge holes in several places on my face, i then decide to smother myself in NEAT tree tea oil, straight onto said holes, and guess what? That just burnt my skin...couple of layers down. Lovely attractive look i am sporting right now, PLUS the eczema is back....

In sheer desperation (and distraction away from picking) i thought i'd look online for acne remedies. Found what looked like an awesome product from 'Berts Bees' but not only did it cost a small fortune, i'd have to wait for goodness knows how long before i'd receive it. So i carried on looking and came across the 'miracle' that is Apple Cider Vinegar. I've read countless reviews on this and not one has been bad, so today i purchased a bottle of Organic Cider Vinegar for the bargain price of £1.19. You're meant to mix it with water, but instead i mixed it with witch hazel. Two good products in one. Apparently it takes a little while to start working, but i am ever the optimist when it comes to finding something to clear up my skin. It's suggested that you drink it too....might give that one a miss, that much acid in my poor stomach?? Flipping heck.... ;o

I purchased a new picket fence today, 8 pieces @ £3.99 each, not too bad, all i have to do now is wait for it to stop bloody raining so i can hammer it into the ground. Problem is this. My front garden is so uneven, my (first) ex put that in for me, so it's been there a while, but i have been meaning to replace it and i was looking at a 3ft one, but costing over £400, i thought not. I don't quite know how i am going to manage it, but i'll have to give it a go, then after it's in, i have the boring job of painting it, which last time took about 6 hours....fun...IF the rain stops!!!!!

Not done much else this weekend. I met up with the ex mum-in-law for a coffee. She contacted me via FB and i thought why not? It's been over 2 years since me and arsehole split up....so i agreed. It was actually really nice to see her, she's not changed a bit, still chatty, still very much 'all about me me me'.... i didn't tell her anything about myself, didn't get chance too... We didn't talk about the ex husband, i don't want to know about what he's up to...plus, it'd still be a little painful to hear he's fabulously happy with his new girlfriend!!!! Then last night, stayed at the boyfriends house, whinged quite a bit because it was so flipping cold in his house, sat there with a hot water bottle, attempting not to freeze. Been home now since midday, chilling.... :)


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