A comment was left for me at my "Divorce" Blog and it REALLY pissed me off to be honest. This is what it said...

I hope you have taken this opportunity to expand your circle of people you can trust. It sounds like you're putting a lot of pressure on the new guy and doing your best to convince yourself that he's the answer to all your problems. I noticed a pretty swift change in attitude at exactly the time he came into the picture. Maybe before things get to serious with him you should take a step back and work on some your issues. No matter how great the new guy is no man wants to be shouldered with his lover's problem...God know we all have enough of our own. Best of luck.

Maybe some of you would agree with the above statement, i don't know...but for whoever reads my blog on a regular basis would know that i have NEVER put any pressure on my BF. I have never relied on him, depended on him, expected anything from him. For me, in a relationship all i really want is honesty. That's it.

That part where the commenter says about a 'Swift change in attitude at exactly the time he came into the picture' made me fucking laugh!!!! Okay, forgive me for being relieved that i no longer had to deal with the abuse i was getting on a daily basis, and to FINALLY be with a guy who actually TALKS to me, makes me LAUGH...makes me HAPPY, perhaps that is why my attitude changed. It's not fucking rocket science now, is it?

I talked this over with my BF last night and he said "What a load of shit". He also said that i have NEVER EVER even called him to pick up a pint of milk for me, i would rather go without than having to rely on him. Okay, i lie. He has to walk through a supermarket every night to get home, if he is coming to mine, then i may ask him to pick something up, but that is ONLY because he's already in there. My boyfriend wants to be here, to help me through my issues...he wants us to be together and doesn't care about my agoraphobia. Yes there are things he wants us to do, but like i said last night, i am going to have to start right at the beginning again, just like i did back in 2002. I recall one time when i just started leaving the house, it took me THREE hours to get 230mtrs up the road (i just measured it on google earth!). He's got time and thank God he's got the patience....

IF anything, i am the total opposite of what the comment says i am.

So, in response again - You have NO clue about what you are talking about.


coffeecup said…
Gorgeous lady, pls don't take it to heart, just ignore it. Whoever left it sounds bitter about their own life and extremely jealous of your happiness. Of course there was a change in attitude when BF arrived, and frankly, if a lovely man entered my life and made me HAPPY then I'd be carrying a new attitude and be a whole lot more cheerful too.

We know you haven't put pressure on him. In fact you've done the opposite and considered letting him go so he wouldn't have to deal with your anxiety. Now that's hardly the action of a dependant woman is it?

Phewy!! They obviously don't know what they're talking about. Just be polite yeah, then forget all about some stranger who has zero to do with your life xxxx
Sarah♥ said…
Hope you're well my lovely :)

Couldn't have said it any better myself. They know NOTHING!

Nikki said…
I want to say 'dont let it bother you' because I think its a load of utter crap, something said purely to wind you up.. Its one of those nice comments wrapped up in an insult - those are the best ones dont you think! But I know I would do exactly the same as you and respond similarly when deep down Id know full well the best thing to do would be to ignore, delete and block!

One of my thoughts was is it your ex!? Kevinc has an odd blog too!?!? Im guessing he just goes about stirring the shit just to wind ppl up!

You and your fella know the truth and how you are together so Im not gonna try and tell you what you already know.. Just try not to take any notice if you can help it.


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