Wednesday morning.

Off out today. Can't wait. It's like it could snow, or hail, or rain, or something unpleasant. Today is Bluebells hair grooming day. She knows as soon as we pull up what's going on, definitely not a lover of having her hair cut.

Anyway, i'm in a really good mood. Very in love and very happy.

Here are a few pictures that i wanted to post.

First one is of me in my sons PJ bottoms. My mother bought them for him from Gap at Christmas, and they fit me better, so i am "borrowing" them :) They are very retro - i ♥ them.

Second picture is a VERY brave one of me. I am trying to stop being so paranoid about the way i look. I still hate myself and i don't care if i get shitty comments, in fact, that is the main reason i am putting it up - so if someone says i look hideous, i can deal with it. I just took the picture, not been up long, got no make-up on, nothing. My scars and bad skin is very noticable in this picture, but i don't give a shit - that's me. Yes, i get acne and yes my skin is scarred from it, so fucking what???? My eyes are very grey this morning though, which i like.

Third picture is Bluebell PRE-haircut :)


em said…
hi sarah

im sure most people in the media look like you, normal. without make up the right lights etc. your fine as you are. perhaps you should have a media blackout for a month and see how you feel towards yourself then. just remember the media makes normal people feel bad about themselves so they can sell products.

you dog is cutsie. and loving you pjs. i live in them at the moment. xxxx
Robert said…
Sorry, can't tell you that you look hideous. Cos you don't. Really! You'll have to get used to the idea, won't you?
Nikki said…
You look a damn sight better than I do in the mornings.. or even with a full face to be honest!!!!
I even feel that I look worse with makeup on. Well, I said it before, it just feels like its not me, yet sometimes I end up piling a bit more on in the hopes I will end up looking like Kate Moss or something, or someone a bit better looking than me anyway.. Of course that never happens!!
I should put up a picture of me without anything on my face, see how that scares you.. But then I know my fella reads my blog and I dont fancy having him ask for his engagement ring back!! lol

Youre a beautiful lady with a lovely smile, no horrible comments from me or anyone else :)
diver said…
Hi Sarah. Nicely posted. I think your self-acceptance and good humour is what makes you attractive, not your skin. You were radiant in this post - hold those thoughts, they become you :)
Sarah♥ said…
Hi Emma - You're a GORGEOUS girl and i thank you for your comment.

One thing. I became self loathing way before the whole media thing and the perception of what a women 'should' look like came about. Now though, i have to agree, seeing a beautiful skinny women on tv or in a magazine does make you question yourself. Sad thing is, i am an almost 35 year old mother, WTF am i thinking??

I tried a sexy little black number on today, lovely little top with matching undies, i looked like a kid dressing up in her mummy's clothes with celulite. I came out crying - again! Every time i see that back view, i go right back to hating myself all over again... :(

Sarah♥ said…
Robert - thank you. As complimentary as ever.

Bless you :)
You make me smile...Kate is a lucky lady to have you..

Sarah♥ said…
OMG - you are frigging stunning. I would LOVE to look like you...i would give my right arm to look just a wee bit like you do.

Make-up for me makes me look worse. The concealer i use to try and cover my dark circles just gets stuck in the fuck off big wrinkles - its a lose, lose situation - whats a girl to do??? HAVE FILLERS!!!!!

Thank you for you comment - much appreciated :)

Sarah x

PS - Post a first thing in the morning make-up free picture, i would love to see it :)
Sarah♥ said…
Diver - is your comment a nice way of saying, you're ugly but you have a good personality??? LOL

diver said…
Ha ha. You know what I meant, that I was just applauding you for the resolve to be more self-accepting :)
Amy said…
You look beautiful Sarah, you have absolutely nothing to worry about makeup free!! xx
Sarah♥ said…
Too kind. Thank you ♥


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