
How is an agoraphobic, mental fuck up with severe low self esteem meant to..

A) Be IN a relationship?
B) Feel secure in a relationship when the other party is a commitmentphobe?


vinny said…
you can be in a relationship like myself if the other person is understanding and i mean very understanding of ur anxieties as otherwise it probably wouldnt work as you would end up arguing all the time,that still doesnt make you feel any less guilty though and depressed that ur making ur fella's life hell,cos thats how i feel all the time that i'm somehow ruining his life ;0(
and with a comitment phobe i'm not sure hun how that will pan out for you,i suppose you either have to accept he doesnt want more than a casual thing or think very long and hard of what you want,hope it all works out in the end for you xx♥♥
Kaci said…
I ask myself question A ALL the time! It's worked best for me when I meet someone who is really understanding and patient and I feel I can be open with and we can communicate easily.

Course, I am also a bit of a commitmentphobe myself but I think it's because I've been single for so long that change tends to make me uncomfortable. When I meet someone I like, I don't want to be with other people, it's just the "titles" that weird me out. If that makes any sense.

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