I am asking for ideas for YouTube videos..
I love doing them, but i can't think of a topic -
What would you like to see me talk about....



vinny said…
eemmm ooo i dunno thats a hard one,do a freaky one like that American girl you showed me about ha ha she was nuts lol.
your life from the begining or maybe that would take too long?
your interests?
pet peeves,things that really get ur goat up and pizz you off or things you just don't like lol i could do one all day about that,here are a few of my hates.
hate people with no manners
hate people who spit or throw rubish ggrrr find a bin lol
hate licking stamps,hate to cue anywhere like a bank,post office,supermarket etc,hate polystyrine being rubbed together,finger nails down a blackboard yuck,people who love them selfs and who think they are god's gift and i could probably think of more so lets know urs xx♥xx
vinny said…
cool will wait to see some new blogs or vids then with either u acting nuts or f-ing and blinding about things that f*ck you off about life or people etc lol
goodnight hunny sweet dreams and hope uve had a nice day,went to tesco this evening to do a food shop and thats enough to wind anyone up even somebody without anxiety lol it was packed wiv people everywhere bumping into one another,and then when u need to ask a member of staff something,can you find one??nope its a huge store and not one person to ask if they had a certain shampoo,wasted about 15 mins looking for somebody then got over charged 2.50 in the taxi,so called the office to complain as soon as we got home and the taxi driver had to come back to the house to say sorry and give us £2.50 back ha ha what a weird night xxx♥
{{nite nite}}

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