
Not going to bang on about what new years resolutions i am going to make, because they're bullshit. If something is THAT important to you, then you make the effort to change there and then and not wait for a new year to come around - that's my NEW opinion on resolutions.

I've been browsing through Facebook pictures that have been put up by friends and they've made me altogether depressed. I get insanely jealous of people that have A) Got a man who REALLY loves them, loves them enough to be committed to them in some way, B) Girls going out being all girly and having fun and C) People just being out!!!!

On that note...



vinny said…
Happy New Year Sarah and yes i know what u mean about people going out and being able to do what they wanna do,had a bit of a mealt down of my own lastnight to my fella and cried and said i wish he would leave me cos i'm such a weirdo and then he could get on wiv his life without so much baggage {{ me }} i'm a drain on everyone not just him but his family my family etc etc i'm just ruining everyones life,cos i can never have family down when they ask to come down,its cruel but i can't help it ;0(
anyway he calmed me down and said we will be fine,dunno why cos i was on the verge lastnight,not in a good place ;0(
feeling shite today though as didn't sleep at all.
i also agree that if u wanna change something then u should not wait for new year lol if i cud change some things i would but don't know how ;0(
don't let it get u down though sweetie cos i try and keep my chin up but its just sooo hard xxxxx
Sarah♥ said…
Happy New Year to you too!

Sorry to hear that you've not felt so great. I think it's hard sometimes not to get really down. I often feel like having one of 'those' meltdowns but i don't talk about it too much to my boyfriend. Because there is no commitment with us, we don't live together, nothing, i know he can just leave at any moment, so why give him that option? ;)

You obviously have a man who adores you no matter what, and he's definitely not letting you go anywhere....



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