..because i got up STUPID early, got made up, hair washed for an appointment with a NLP therapist today...but my boyfriend called me sick, so i didn't go...but here is my OOTD! I LOOK FAB......NOT!

I'm wearing an H & M cream jumpery kind thing with a hood, of course. Under that is a white Next long sleeved t-shirt top, got my favourite Gap jeans that i've had for years and they are so comfy now and on my feet that you can't see are my circa. 1996 Adidas tennis shoes, love 'em. I've glued them back together a gazillion times!! My bag was a Christmas present from Accessorize!



The front of them (the toe) is a suede like material, but they are completely messed up with alcohol where i use to work at the pub...and the insides are ruined. I bought them in May 1996, just before i went to Australia.

JUNE 1996!!!



em said…
love your bag. you cant say you have vintage shoes on and not show us them! please put a picture up. from a fellow converse loving fan.x
Flipper said…
you do look FAB!!! and that bag is amazing! xxx
em said…
a well loved pair of shoes. dont you just hate it when they get to the end of there life, (yours have life left in them yet) i had to throw away a pair of converse that i had since the age of 17. love the pic from '96 i had the same haircut from then.x
Sarah♥ said…
Bless you Flipper ;)

Sarah♥ said…
Em. Since i took the picture last night i have cleaned them up a bit. Bleached the dirty sole...and attempted to clean the grot off the front. Daren't put them in the washing machine, they WOULD fall apart. I will NEVER throw them away - never ever. Can't do it ;)

OMG, my hair...lol. The days before straighteners...!!

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