In a funk..

I don't know whether it's the feeling of never being in a 'proper' relationship that is getting me down, or is it just my general situation that's pissing me off.

2011 is going to be expensive. I have so many home improvements that i need to do..

1. Replace the fencing out front of my house where the idiots broke my current one.
2. Decorate Stinky's bedroom. Which includes new furniture, flooring, blind and walls completely re plastered.
3. New shed. Mine is falling apart. No idea how it's still standing.
4. Replace stair carpet.
5. Paint bathroom.
6. Paint kitchen.

That's a lot to be able to financially afford and i have no money at all, completely spent out :(

These improvements are worrying me. They NEED to be done. I wish they were things that i couldn't think...maybe i can leave that, but i can't. I had to buy a new hoover over Christmas that cost me over £200...really didn't need that!!!

My Christmas Visa bill is sitting next to me...have no idea how i am going to pay that either. Fricking hell. Next year EVERYONE is getting £5 lotto scratchcards...that's it!

On a positive note, the collaboration channel that i am involved in >FIGHTING FOR HOPE< is up and running. I am on Fridays and the beautiful Emma is on Wednesdays... Very happy/nervous about this, thinking it should be good :)

Right now, i am waiting for the BF to get out of bed. I can hear movement, but that means


vinny said…
Hi Sarah its probably just a number of things that are making u feel down,i always find that,its never just one thing lol if it was just one thing i could handle it but its a mixture of everything getting on top of me ;0(
yes 2011 is gonna be very expensive for us too,we have lots of new things to buy,even though this place is rented we still have to buy our own furniture etc,the landlord is replacing these grebby carpets next month sometime so that will be nice but we have said we will pay to replace the kitchen floor with a laminate one so not sure how much that will cost,we did the bathroom last year but that's pretty tiny so didn't cost much but i would like the darker more expensive wood for the kitchen,then soon i wanna go over all the gloss work in the house again as it goes like a yellow tarnished colour after a bit,over a month now not smoking whoooo ;0)
right hope uve had a nice day hun,lots of love vin and yep christmas leaves everyone skint i think,1how can 1 day cost so blinkin much? xxxxxxx

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