
Blood test results are in...
CRP - Normal
ESR - Normal
Folate - Normal
B12 - 172.0 - Deficient... Should be between 200.0 - 900.0.

That would explain a few things....


Anonymous said…
I do not think that this is serious. Relax.
Lisa x said…
My mum has a B12 deficiency, It's easily treated. She now can feel when her B12 is low - She wants to sleep all the time and gets anxious (she doesn't suffer from anxiety)etc. The B12 injections are supposed to make you feel brilliant.

Lisa x
vinny said…
oh so does b12 mean u get anxiety anxious if ur low? maybe this is my problem to then?just a thought,what will they do now then sarah,give you tablets?is it a vitamin then? hope it helps whatever they surgest x♥x
Sarah♥ said…
I believe the B12 deficency is probably caused by my eating disorder, and that would make sense since i've had it for so many years now. I've got to go back on Wednesday, so i'll see then :)

Miss F said…
OMG Sarah, Thats how all my anxiety started with undiagnosed B12 deficiency!!!The hospital kept saying there was nothing wrong with me, and my levels were 45!!
Im so glad you found out :-) I just have monthly injections now and they really do help and give you more energy and settle anxiety down as well.
Sarah♥ said…
Mine thank goodness isn't that low, but who knows how long i've had it for??

Aren't those injections really painful?

Miss F said…
Yes exactly, it cab stay low for a long time and doctors just say we are anxious instead of testing us for it!

Nah, the injections dont hurt at all, i just have them in my thigh, better option than tablets as you know it isnt just passing through your body and its going straight into the muscle so it gets absorbed properly.

Im so glad you found out :-)
Sarah♥ said…
That's the worrying thing, i have been taken multivitimins with B12 for about 6-8 weeks now.. obviously they're not working!

Anonymous said…
Hi Sarah
I have pernicious anemia, and have B12 injections and vitamins.
My anxiety is a lot less when I am not so low on B12.
Regarding your boyfriend - just my opinion - but he needs to be a bit more understanding. If he loves you as he says he does, then he needs to prove it to you. You need support and encouragement not criticism.
As for his rages when he is drunk. then just my opinion again, but that is the last thing you need, I imagine.
Charlotte Ca

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