Help. Me.


Eilidh Traquair said…
You must continue with your normal going out life. Ive overcome my agoraphobia i posted an entry in my blog the other day actually about overcoming it and what ive done. I had a wobbly stage a couple of months back and the way i stayed on track was thinking about everything ive accomplished and not wanting things to go back to the way they were. You just have to keep going out. A friend of mine asked me to go shopping with her. I was feeling sick, shaky all the rest of it but i just made myself go. I stayed away from my phone so i couldnt cancel and i went and i was fine. You just have to give yourself a right stern talking to.
I would sort of picture my anxiety as a person sort of my evil twin and would get really angry at her and as ridiculous as it sounds picture myself kicking her and beating her down and it just gave me such empowerment to be like fuck you im going out! this is my life not yours!

You should try it. Do not let yourself get back into the cycle!
Sarah♥ said…
Firstly, thank you for commenting.
Secondly, you are STUNNING....
..and third.... You are pretty fantastic to fight through those hideous feelings... I had another 'moment' today in the supermarket... i was sure i was going to die in the freezer aisle... Didn't run out though, i carried on as if its normal to think you're going to die while

Thanks again :)
Eilidh Traquair said…
Thank you very much. I read your blog from time to time and you do not give yourself enough credit for how attractive you are. I also have horribke skin issues and i am a total pickaholic i just pile on the high coverage foundation haha.

You just have to remember that , like today for example, you are just having a bad moment and that everytime you go to the supermarket its not going to be like that.

It always sounds so much easier to say than it is to do. If you keep fighting you will get through it. Dont get discouraged.

Best of luck x
Sarah♥ said…
I'm not discouraged as such, just a little more hesitant than normal perhaps...

I won't give up, 'cause i haven't yet. The next few days of summer should help me :)

Thanks again,

vinny said…
god wish i could help as i'm still going through it,but yep i do rely on my diazipam to help calm me down which don't really work,only a tiny bit but i still take them as they are like my crutch,i must admit that i have had to get stronger sinse having teegan and if i do get paniky and out of breath,can't breath dizzy etc etc then i just have to ride it through and go with the flow,if i'm in town in a busy place then i just have to get somewhere quiet and quick until it passes,i need my fella to drag me out the house if i don't feel upto it,i hate riding them out and yeah it does feel like i'm gonna die even though i know i'm not but at the time you can't really think in a rational way,but i do have to get out of whatever situation i'm in until it passes and even if i go back into the shopping place then at least it has passed and i try again,if it happens again then i do the same,if it happens more than like 3 times then sod it and i go home ggrrr but yeah i neck my tablets and try my best,sorry i'm not any help but need help in that department myself xxxxxxxx

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