It's that time again...

...when i have been receiving both barrels from the BF. Oh my goodness. I spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in tears because of how horrible he was to me. It started on Monday when he called me lazy, but it just got worse after that and ended up with him telling me to fuck off and he put the phone down on me. Lovely. Tuesday, not much better and yesterday the same. More of the same old shit. He hung up on me then too. WFT? How much of this am i meant to put up with? Do i have *MUG* written on my forehead? I know i am not perfect, i have my many problems, but all of which he knew about before he got with me.

Let me give you a wee example. My periods have gone mental, 31 days between and only 4 days on, rather than the normal 28 days between and 7 days on. Anyway...he said why don't i have a hysterectomy, which i thought was rather drastic, so in response to that i said... ONE day, if we're not together i *MIGHT* meet someone who i want to have a baby with. This translated in his brain into I want a baby and get married now. If anything, over the last couple of months, commitment, moving in, babies and marriage is the VERY LAST THING THAT I WANT, ESPECIALLY WITH HIM! No way, no way. WTF?

...and then there was the point when he said i should get back with my ex because i got upset when he left.... again - WFT? Of course i am going to be upset. No, 1. I AM HUMAN, No, 2. I have a heart. No, 3. He's my boys dad and No, 4. He's been a part of my life for a long time. At no point did i say i loved my ex or that i wanted to be with my ex.


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