Fighting against...

...head and heart AGAIN!

I'm NOT depressed at the moment, lets get that out of the way, in fact, despite not feeling the best, and having to go and have a shed load more tests today...i'm feeling okay, a little anxious, but nothing bad.....

You know when you get that constant nagging feeling, that you need to address something and that feeling won't go away until it's sorted, well...i have that.


I am beginning to feel that he is resenting me for being this way. Why? Because he does have a tendency to have a go about my different problems, and now i am not feeling great, i am worried that this will inevitably come up in a row at some point, and i don't need that - i NEED/WANT support, not anger and resentment.

To be honest, i am scared to tell him i am feeling shitty, because of his reaction. I don't think he's that into this relationship any more either..... I can sense it. Yes, he still calls me A LOT every day, but it's on those days when he's got to 'get things off his chest' that i KNOW he's not loving me like he use to. It's fine to DISCUSS problems/feelings that we have inside (although you can bet a million i won't talk about this to him), but there are ways and ways of doing it.... and doing it over the phone IS NOT THE WAY.

I just don't know what is the best way to handle this... Because IF i was to talk about it, say that perhaps we should have a break and take time to re-evaluate what we've got....he'll take it the wrong way. I NEED him to WANT to be with me, and NEED him to WANT to support me, rather than have random go's at me.....

I dunno.


Anonymous said…
Hey gorgeous am loving the new background its ace. Sorry to read that you are still having problems in your deserve such happiness and it saddens me that you are still not getting the best. Sorry Ive not yet caught up on your blof from me being away, Im slowly trying to catch up.

Love you x x x x
Kaci said…
Have you expressed to him how much his support means to you? Guys do really have a different way of looking at problems. I used to talk to my ex about mine and he would ask me questions that made me feel like he was judging me or like I wasn't doing enough and when I said something to him, he just told me he ways trying to help me by finding a solution. That's what guys do, they look for solutions. Is that what he does?

Maybe if you tell him how you need him to support you, whether it is help you find solutions or even just listen then he will understand what you need better?

I think the fact that he still calls you when he needs to get stuff off his chest seems like a good sign because he trusts you and wants to open up to you about what is bother him.

In the past when I've had support from boyfriends, sometimes I tend to bat it he'll try to comfort me that things will be okay and I'll just shoot down everything he said. I think that tends to be hard on guys after awhile and when I started accepting his comfort and stopped discrediting him when he said something nice about me, it helped him be more patient with me.

I hope that you are able to address things with him and it goes well. Big hugs to you Sarah!
vinny said…
yes i thought the post underneath must have been about your fella and him sort of not understanding how you felt,well maybe if you let him read that post then he may get the message as if it put a lump in my throat then he has to understand the way you feel,you don't want to be a burden etc xxxxxx

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