Crappy Mental Health Appointment.


Jill said…
I'm sorry but I was laughing when I watched you describe this guy. It's clear he wasn't even listening. I hope you do write a letter of complaint- that was a complete waste of time. I hope you didn't have to pay for it. Because you are unemployed right?????
Unfortunately, crappy therapists seem to be more the norm than the exception, at least in my case.
Take care hon! xx
Sarah♥ said…
I'M NOT UNEMPLOYED - I CAN'T GO OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....lolol.

Didn't have to pay for it no, NHS. What a load of shite though. I don't even think he was awake for most of the appointment.

vinny said…
sounds like a t*ss pot to me sarah,why was he asking such personal questions too like how much you weigh and stuff,thats a bit much,no point in even seing them again as he didn't sound to helpful that it would benefit you anyway the geek.hate people that don't listen and thanks for saying teegan is cute,yeah she is a little doll but cries quite a bit and is dead noisy but aslong as it anoys my neighbour i don't care ha ha cos he was dead noisy every morning xxx♥xxx
Jenny said…
Hi Sarah,

I'm watching your youtube channel for more than a year now and I really, really like your videos. (Just want to mention that somewhere!) You are absolutely great =)

The story about that stupid doctor made me really angry, WHAT A STUPID MAN. That is the kind of help you absolutely don't need, because it is not any kind of help! Seems as if he didn't understand a single word what you told him. Forget that stupid man, that appointment... It's sad but true: Out there, there are too many stupid unhelpful doctors. The good ones are rare, but they exist!

Wish you all the best.
Anonymous said…
Thing is Sarah, no matter what people suffer with, if you get benefits, be it incapacity, sickness, or whatever, people are classed as unemployed.
I had a visit off the mental health team guy, and he was very quiet, and just asked me questions, which I answered, and ended up crying :( - I did wonder if he was ok because he never said anything comforting when I cried, but you know, these people see so much, and to be honest they are there to listen to us. He is visiting me at home
again next week, so will see what happens then.
All the best!
Sarah♥ said…
I understand there are certain things that they have to ask in order to evaluate me, but baring in mind i have been to that place since i was 16 years old and seen so many different therapists, and EVERYTIME they write down the initial assessment, you'd think that they'd been no need to keep on doing it?

Sarah♥ said…
Hi Jenny and thank you xxx

I am beginning to wonder if there are any good mental health specialists. I live in a very small town, so i think we're lucky to even have a mental health clinic here, but as for who work there, they are very questionable.

Going back to 1993 now, i use to see a psychoanalyst. Basically she would 'analyse' me...usually that would entail us sitting there for 10-20 minutes in silence and her watching me....until one of us (usually) me spoke. Really really unnerving.

Anyway - that's all done now and i will not going back ;-)

Sarah♥ said…
Anon - I have felt like crying many times, this time, just

Good luck with your appointments...

Jenny said…
Hi Sarah,
yeah, maybe it would be easier to find a good mental health specialst when you'd live in a big city. I live in the countryside (Germany), the next "big" city (it's actually just a small city) is 30 minutes away (by car). I once tried to get some help (I'm suffering from eating disorders/anorexia), but the therapists in my region do have long, long waiting lists. Which means that you have to wait about 6 month or longer for getting some help. That was, what my doctor told me years ago, when I was on a absolutely low level and wanted "just" some help. "You have to wait about six month..." And I was just thinking "Six that a joke? I'm not feeling as if I would be still alive then. I need help NOW" That was really frustrating. And I could never trie to get some help again (just can't do that...). Now, 6 years later, I'm still alive, still ill... But surviving ;-)

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