...now there's a shocker! I have spent the entire evening in hospital. We had to call an ambulance, these feelings in my heart were insane. I was sat in the back on the ambulance and they did all my obs. I was tachycardic, my BP was really high (usually its stupid low) and my ECG was showing Atrial fibrillation, meaning the top two chambers of my heart are beating faster than the bottom two. I was put on oxygen as well because my breathing was a little bit crappy. The medic man stuck a candular in my hand and hit a valve apparently, my hand swelled up in seconds, it was so painful. Got to the hospital and did all the necessary things and then we had to wait...and wait...and wait. Where they'd stuck that needle in the back of my hand and hit the valve, it started going dead. I couldn't feel 4 of my fingers! I called to get someone to take the bugger out. I'm left with a lovely bit blue bruise this morning. My step-father was called to pick us up because we thoug...
I would sort of picture my anxiety as a person sort of my evil twin and would get really angry at her and as ridiculous as it sounds picture myself kicking her and beating her down and it just gave me such empowerment to be like fuck you im going out! this is my life not yours!
You should try it. Do not let yourself get back into the cycle!
Secondly, you are STUNNING....
..and third.... You are pretty fantastic to fight through those hideous feelings... I had another 'moment' today in the supermarket... i was sure i was going to die in the freezer aisle... Didn't run out though, i carried on as if its normal to think you're going to die while shopping...lol.
Thanks again :)
You just have to remember that , like today for example, you are just having a bad moment and that everytime you go to the supermarket its not going to be like that.
It always sounds so much easier to say than it is to do. If you keep fighting you will get through it. Dont get discouraged.
Best of luck x
I won't give up, 'cause i haven't yet. The next few days of summer should help me :)
Thanks again,