Home alone....

...again! Makes a change. Not.

Stayed at the boyfriends last night, which was nice. Went to see the baby this morning, that was okay until this and it pisses me off so much.... The boyfriend and the friend think it's okay to have a go at me every time i am there. Whether it be about my ED, going out/not going out, or anything else....whatever, they always join forces to dig and that fucking annoys me. Today, it happened just as i was leaving, my friend said "EAT A MCDONALDS"...and the boyfriend said "No, she'll have gum and diet coke....", which then made my friend start even more. Why do they do that? If you want to talk about any of my problems TALK to me, don't pick and joke about it, it's not funny and they never see me laughing. I obviously didn't mention it to the boyfriend, because i couldn't be arsed. It's like me talking about his drinking, or the fact that he doesn't want marriage or children every time i am with my friend, but i wouldn't do it because i know he would appreciate it.

Put a downer on the day.

Since midday i have been alone, obviously being with me from 1pm yesterday to 12pm today was a little too much for my boyfriend and he needs a break! Which would be fine, if i had seen him loads already this week, which of course i haven't.

So i am just sitting here, in my room waiting for the downstairs floors to dry, i need to get the oven on for my sons delicious M&S fish pie dinner...


Nikki said…
My Nanna used to do this.. Im sure she may start doing it any time soon.. but for now, not so much. Simon would join in from time to time too, and we've ended up in a blazing row or two about it.. of course its always my fault for never seeing the funny side! But my nans fave all time saying is 'look at you, you look like you've got a bad smell under your nose'.. I guess sometimes my face just drops, I dont have a v smiley face I guess, its a bit droopy maybe.. but its pretty much the same face Ive had for the last 31 yrs so you think she'd know it by now! Theres just general digs.. about my hair.. my face.. if I look ill.. my clothes, you name it.. One day she used her fave saying and I was already on edge expecting something, and then there it was, just one comment, but because of all the other times I kind of lost it a bit and snapped back at her and told her to stop picking on me.. Everyone looked at me like I was a fruit cake, it wasn't like it was all morning long, but I was just sick of it.. She hasnt said anything since though! So I recommend that.. or finding some way to turn it around on him.. I'd have said 'yes please, maybe we can get my coke and gum from a Bargain Booze and maybe get you something while Im there....'

vinny said…
sorry they take the p*ss out of you like that,i thought friends and ur b.friend were meant to be there for support not to laugh behind ur back cos thats just mean ;0(
chin up babe,start on his drinking and say at least ur not an alchoholic or summat and that might shut him up xxxxx

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