8am and i am already crying!

This is how the conversation went between the boyfriend and me.

Me..... "Alright?"
Him.... "Yeah, fine thanks, you?"
Me.... "Not too bad, got a terrible period headache though."
Him...."I've got a headache too...."
Me....."You've only got a day and a half to go until you're off."
Him..."I've got absolutely not enthusiasm for work now."


Me...."Did you speak to your friend about going out?"
Him..."Yeah, next Thursday."
Me...."Oh right cool...."


Me..."It's my birthday on Thursday...."


Me..."Don't worry, it's the evening, i'll see you in the day..."
Him..."I fucking forgot, alright....I didn't look at a calender, just knew it was my week off."
Me...."It's fine....."
Him..."I'm getting fucking angry now...."


Him...."If you're not talking to me then i am going"
Me....."I can hear you eating, just waiting for you to finish..."


Me...."It's really okay for you to go out on Thursday, i don't mind one bit..."
Him..."Don't be fucking soft Sarah, i'm in a bad mood and you're making me worse...."
Me...."What have i done? All i said was that it's okay to go out..."
Him...."I'm getting really fucking pissed off...."


Me...."I am NOT being spoken to like that this morning, i'm going...."

20 minutes later....

Him..."I'm sorry......."

I did absolutely NOTHING wrong this morning to warrant the barrage of bullshit that i was on the receiving end of. THIS is probably the reason behind why i am so fucking depressed right now. My relationship is going down the fucking pan.............................


coffeecup said…
Uh ho! Could just have been the headache making him a grumpy arse?

Sounds like he feels obliged to change his plans because it's your birthday. He took your question to be a hint that you didn't want him to go out even though you made it clear you don't mind. Not fair to make you feel bad because his conscience is telling him he really should be putting you first on your special day. Hence the apology no doubt.

You know my opinion of men in general. Selfish bleepers! Knowing you sweet lady you'll stay home whilst he goes out because if he cancels you'll be looking at a sour face all evening and you're too nice to 'spoil' his fun. But you have to ask do you want to be second best? Somehow I suspect he'll make it up to you. Listen to me here Majorie Proops! Just wanted to send a hug and say that men are a pain in the backside, always were and always will be.

vinny said…
arsehole,that's dead nasty,what did you do? you were being really nice too saying he could go out but his answer should have been on god i forgot babe i will defo cancel as i'm not having you spend your birthday alone.
A headache is no excuse to speak to you like that ;0(
and ur too good to him anyway as i would not have said it was ok for him to go out lol i would have kicked up a stink so he's really lucky to have you ♥♥

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