
It's perfectly clear that i have lost my fucking mind over the last few days....proper "Cuckoo"..... so now, we're starting again... I'm going to be ballsy? Is that right? Stand up for myself? LOLOL...Who the hell am i kidding? No one!


being me said…
im like that ill say things like ill stand up 4myself bollocks 2em truth is i dont id like 2 b more like my sis outgoin confident mouthy etc lol! but im not im a recluse and dont say boo 2a goose! :( x
sarah was goin 2ask if its ok 2add u on fb? thought id ask instead of just adding u! i kno we like a few pages/groups etc! dont worry if not :)

ohh sorry 4 rambling on... lol!

Sarah♥ said…
I know - my sister is a lot more gobby than me - i wish i was more like her, and my half sister, well, she's a school teacher and she is very confident!

Of course you can add me.


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