Benefits of..

...being with a hairdresser.

1) Of course are the free haircuts, that would normally cost £45.
2) The free highlighting that would cost over £100..

...but this is far more exciting...

3) The amazing freebies i get. I was given Redken shampoo and conditioner AND some Elemis products too. Whoop.

Funnily enough, it was a product for stress headaches, and i seem to have a big one at the moment. A STRESS RELATED HEADACHE that is!

Other news...

Nanna's funeral is next Friday. Now the next problem is, should stinky attend, or not? It's another toughy...


em said…
must be hard knowing whether your making the right decision. sorry for you loss. x
Sarah♥ said…
What would you do?
He's only just turned 12...
Would it be right?


Tricia said…
Amazingly Jealous about the haircut and coloring you get for free!!

I am very sorry for your loss, I attended my first funeral at 8 of my step grandfather, I was too young.. I have my second around 16.. Good luck with whatever decision you make !!!
Flipper said…
wow, i am very, very jealous! i'm a product junkie lol

as for the funeral, do you think he would want to go? i don't think he's too young, more whether he feels like he could cope with going? sometimes its nice to be able to say goodbye. maybe ask him but stress that there is no pressure and he shouldn't feel he has to go? sorry, i don't have children so i'm not great at this kind of advice.

Sarah♥ said…
I suppose he thinks the freebies and the haircuts make up for his lack of commitment!?? Stupid men.

We're thinking to let him go just to the church and NOT the crematorium. The crem is a little too much i think. Still undecided though.

vinny said…
hi sarah yeah ur dead lucky,as ive said i cut and colour my own lol its not too bad could be worse ha ha.
Sarah♥ said…
Thing is, i don't take the piss...ever. If i can dye my hair on my own, i will - highlights are obviously different, but that only happens twice a year, and now that i am growing my hair again for the winter - he's not even having to do that. :)

vinny said…
mmmm gotta do this in 2 parts as its soooo long ggrrr
as for the funeral then its ur choice hun as he is ur son but it should be his choice too,have you asked him what he would want to do? has he ever been to a funeral b4?he is becoming a young man now,i know u probably see him as ur baby and will do 4 ever but he will have to expirience one sooner or later not meaning that to sound weird or horrid in any way,my first one i was 14 which was my dad's it was very weird cos you say that urs is a cremation which i did not find as bad as a buriel to go through,been to a few now,anyway my dad's was the first and a buriel and nobody had told me what to expect?even though my mum was still alive then,i got to the church holding my mums hand and there were rows of people we knew like family and friends sitting in the church so our family me mum 2 sis's and 1 bro walked down to the front of the church,i kept my head down all the way as did not want to look at anyone and so i sat down and suddenly looked up to see my dads coffin starring me in the face with the big flower DAD wreath on top of it,omg i burst into tears only for the fact that i thought the coffin would be already in the hole/grave outside,i didnt know it was gonna be in the church,stupid i know but nobody had explained to me,but after the initial shock i was ok,we sang songs and then the coffin was carried out to the grave where i had to throw a bit of soil into the grave to say goodbye and i think this is important cos its a final farewell,so that was that then when i was 15 my mum passed away so the same thing yet again only about 6 months later so then i knew what to expect only this time i did not have my mum by my side only my sisters and bro,it was sickening to the pit of my tummy but because i was so young i still did not really understand,the other 3 did as they are older than me but again we had the coffin with MUM wreath on the top and again i threw soil into grave to say goodbye which was really weird cos they obviously had to dig my dad's grave up again as my mum was burried on top of my dad,but i'm so glad that i went as i would never have forgiven myself now that i'm older if i had not have gone.
even when my dad died first my mum offered for me to see him in the church beforehand in his coffin,you know when the coffin is open,she told me that it was my choice but thought it best for me not to go and just to remember him how he was alive,so i took her advice and did not go as i would have been too scared so i think my mum was glad i said no as she was trying to put me off anyway as she knew i was too yound and would be freaked out,my mum and my middle sister went to see him though in the open coffin.
vinny said…
it was different with my mum as she died in hospital so we were all by her bedside so when the dr said she was gone i kissed her and said goodbye i love you so much,did not want to let her go but it was like she was sleeping still warm and everything
anyway after that i went to a friends funeral,he was in his teens and it was a car crash,couldnt fit in the church as it was way too packed and they played the prodigy music really loud blaring out of the church cos thats what he would have wanted,then low and behold my nan dies and thats the only cremation i have been to,it was nowhere near as bad as the buriels as we sat in church sang a few songs,the vicar spoke a bit then my nans coffin just went behind some curtains as the curtains shut so i knew what was happening,blimey this is a long story you don't have to publish this if you don't want as its very long winded,so the moral to this is yes i think he should go but i also think he needs to know what to expect so he is not too shocked,try and talk to him about it and ask him what he wants,thats if he will talk about it and its not too hard for him,funerals are the worst thing to go to i think to be honest but i think we need to go to learn and to say goodbye to our loved ones properly and celebrate their life,nothing to celebrate i know but u know what i mean,he looks a sensible young man though and if he has you or his dad by his side then all will be fine as he will have one of you there to comfort him,hugs and hope u can come to the right decision for the both of you,its up to the individual and u know him better than anyone hun
thinking of you both at this sad time xxx♥xxx
hope this post has not upset you too much as i don't want to do that i was just giving my point of view from when i was little,but they were my parents so a little different and thats probably why i'm so fooked up today to be honest ;0(
hugs always love vin ♥
vinny said…
mmm dunno if the other half will post cos it keeps saying too long but it said that with the above one? weird
vinny said…
ahh it did cool thanks sarah,jst thought it may help you or others,i have not got a child so different for me to give advice but just advice from when i was not much older than him ;0)

just reading ur other posts at the mo!!
Sarah♥ said…
Wow. I really appreciate you sharing that with me. That was so lovely of you x

What an awful time for you to go through. I WOULD NOT say you are fucked up, but those kinds of experiences definitely shape us as adults, undoubtably.

I've only been to 3 funerals. The first one being my gran when i was 22 (wasn't allowed to go to my granny's funeral when i was 11), then i went to my ex boyfriends, he died of Lukemia a few years ago, he was only in his early 30's. That was SO sad. And the last one i went to was my uncles. I hated them all. Far too sad. It was horrible to see the coffins, knowing that your loved one was lying in there.

I was really *lucky* when my gran died. She'd been in a home for a few years and my dad called my sister and i and told us that we'd better get down to see her quickly because she hadn't got long left. We drove 5 hours. I walked into the room and couldn't believe how deathly she looked. I only managed about 5 minutes, i couldn't cope with it. We drove home the next day and she died that very evening. We *just* made it. I do believe she held on for us :)


Sarah♥ said…
Keep reading :)

vinny said…
thanks for sharing that to hun,wow we have all been through some really tough times and yeah it must shape us as adults,ur ex boyfriend must have been an awful time to go so young and you were both so close,i really don't think i could carry on if i lost my partner he is like my whole life it would be like losing part of me it would just kills me ;0(
we did not know my dad was gonna die,we knew bout my mum as she had cancer but always promised that my dad would always be here for us when her time was up,then out the blue he went and popped his cloggs b4 my mum so that was a huge shock so i felt angry for a while like she had lied to me,sounds dead selfish but i knew she was next x
vinny said…
my mum was a bit like ur gran as my mum went into hospital b4 xmas all them years ago and she wanted to come home for xmas but the dr's said no she was too ill,so me sis's bro all had xmas dinner at the hosp with her,she was not too bad at ths point,could not eat much but could speak etc.
then me being a teenager was trying to block it out and did not go to visit her untill we then got the dreaded call on 6th jan to say get here quick,we all rushed up to the hosp and i walked into the room and couldnt believe how much she had changed in like 2 weeks,couldnt talk really just sorta mumble her breathing was deathly and her u could nearly see her bones through the skin she was that thin,i ran out crying but managed to go back and sit wiv her untill she died
vinny said…
having to do this in segments incase too long soz.
my eldest sis is 10 year older my bro is next bout 8 year older then my other sis bout 5 year older then me,so i did not understand and when she tried to speak to us in the hospital or move and hold out hands then i thought she was getting better,and i said i think she's getting better look everyone,well with the others being older they understood that she was on her last legs and my comment seemed to rattle my bro as he jumped down my neck and said DONT BE SO STUPID SHE IS DYING,it was harsh but he was grieving too and he was very bitter,anyway my eldest sis and bro were put as my guardians as i was under 16,so as u can imagine that was a barrel of laughs {not} lol xx

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