
And it's gone. No sedation. No panic. A little fast racing heart, but that's to be expected.

Get in there at 8.55 and i am called straight in. Sit in the chair and i have an x-ray taken. That little thing they put in your mouth made me gag, so i was thinking that isn't a good start. Then she pulled out the injection. First one went into the back of my jaw. I FELT NOTHING. NO pain going in at all. Second injection went under the tooth, again - I FELT NOTHING! I was so happy, because i was more scared of the injections to be totally honest. Within 5 minutes out came the tools, i was totally numb (and still am). Then things went bad. The tooth wouldn't come out. I was told it generally takes between 2 - 5 minutes for an extraction. I was there 15 - 20 minutes. Every time she tried to pull it, little bits kept breaking off. So more digging was needed. I had my eyes open for most of it so i could see what was going on. She would get one lever tool, then a bigger lever tool, then came the pliers, then the lever again, and so on. Until pop, it came out. At no point did i panic, i am SO proud of myself. I've not sat in the dentists chair (without sedation) since i was 19.

I am terribly swollen and still bleeding, it's been 90 minutes since it was taken out. I can't drink, smoke, eat....for ages. I took a pain killer at 8.45, so i can't take anything else until 12.45. Although i am still very numb, i can just about feel the 'defrosting' process beginning because i can feel some pain at the site :(

Because i am so kind, i thought i'd share a picture, you lucky devils :)

Just need to say, the hole is massive. I could easily get my first finger in the hole. It was a BIG molar that came out.


vinny said…
eewww yeah know that feeling ouuuchy mine were huge too and still have big dips were they have clossed up but all my gum is still sort of weird,u were so brave i could not go through with it without sedation,i could have one out with gas and air but about a year back or 8 months or summat mine were that bad i had to have 4 big molars out 2 each side 1 each side at bottom and one each side at top so they sent me to hospital for that and put me to sleep,never been put to sleep in my life b4 so was shittin myself but they gave me so many diazipam before hand that i was flying lol i had stitches too that were meant to dissolve but didnt and in the end i had to cut the buggers out myself yuck,all healed now though but gums are still wrecked,oh u poor thing,don't have drinks too hot or too cold u can get special mouthwash called summat like corsodyl that helps with the healing but it tastes horrid,they say to salt water it a few times a day but only gentle and what ever u do don't smoke as i did that a few years back and got something called dry socked omg which hurts even more that the tooth ache and that was from smoking too early after having it out,just have soup and soft things,try not to play with it wiv ur tongue if ur anything like me lol
get better soon sweetie love and hugs from vin xx♥xx
Tricia said…
Gross Picture...LOL GREAT JOB!!!! :) I hope one day I'll be able to be where you are now.

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