The news i got yesterday made me realise that life is way too short.

We've (my boyfriend and i) and come to the realisation that 'perhaps' blogging isn't my strong point and that after 6 years of doing it, it might be time to move on. SO..I'm taking a break - another one....

If i have any updates, i will VLOG instead. MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL. If you're still interested in what i am up to - then head over there, know the drill!

Well..that's all folks (for now anyway).

Much love to each and everyone of you who have commented, good/bad/whatever - i appreciate it. Thank you.

Miss Sarah. xxxx


Flipper said…
i'm not sure what the bad news you got was as i've only just logged on. hope you're ok, do whatever you need to do! i will catch up with you on facebook :) xxxx
em said…
will miss your undates, however i think we all need a break sometimes. good luck with the anxiety, will tune into you tube.x
vinny said…
sorry about ur bad news hun whatever it was,hope nothing too too bad ;0(
sorry ur not gonna be here now either cos i for one is gonna miss you heaps ;0(
i will check ur you tube from time to time though deffo cos i still like to know how ur doin with your life and anxiety etc.
hope non of my comments have upset you about my parents passing as was just trying to help.
love and hugs for a great future with ur son and boyfriend love vinny xx♥xx
Sarah♥ said…
Are you on Facebook?
Lisa x said…
Hope everything is ok. I will definitely miss your updates, but you have to do what's best for you and your family. I've subscribed to your youtube channel so hopefully get some updates there in the future :)Hopefully everything will work out!

Take care,

Lisa x

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