What have i done today!?

Good old fashioned Skyping!

It's going to snow tonight so to save my boyfriend from having to dig himself out tomorrow morning, we decided that it'd be better for him to stay at home.... So, we Skyped instead :)


vinny said…
yes it says snow for us tomorrow morning too ;0(
i'm not really a fan either,don't mind looking out the window at it as very pretty but i always end up on my ass when i go out especially when it starts turning to black ice.
do you have msn and skype and which would you say is better as my fella uses msn to his family would skype be better as the sound on msn is pretty poor and they have changed it recently too? cheers xx
vinny said…
ooo and u will catch ur death in a little top go put a wooly jumper on girl u will freeze bbbrrr ♥♥
Sarah♥ said…
I've used MSN in the past but i prefer Skype, definitely :)


Sarah♥ said…
It's so hot in my house....
I would compare it to a sub-tropical country!!!

The wooly hat? Well...my hair is shocking! What can i say??
vinny said…
thanks i will try tell him to try skype then it does sound better to me too,we have the heating on all the time costing a fortune,we turn it off but its that cold it back on within an hour lol,have a great evening better go need to go for a bath ♥xx

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