
YES! That is me. That is what i have. Tonight, i have decided in the new year i am going to NO longer pine for the breasts i have always wanted, i am going to get them done. Not stupid big, because lets not forget i am a size 6/8, weighing about 7st. So 'D' cups are a no-no. I wouldn't be opposed to large 'B' cup though..., but i am pretty sure my surgeon will know what is best for me and my frame....




vinny said…
cool,i have always said i would never ever ever get that done but u never know until u have kids,my family don't have massive boobs,an ok size but could be better and its cos we are bigger/fatter i think mainly if anything lol if i went back down to a size 8 then i think mine would deflate,my sis had 3 kids and she said it was ace and she felt like jordan when she was preg but afterwards they have gone all horrid saggy,look at the floor like empty sacks lol so she said she would think of doing it so i dunno what i wud do but yep if thats what u want then go for it and good luck,hope not costing too much xx
Sarah♥ said…
The buggers didn't grow at all during my pregnancy. Only when the milk come in did i get a teeny bit bigger, but then only enough to fit into an A cup! How sad and pathetic is that?
vinny said…
nah not sad or pathetic cos ur so so tiny anyway but anything that would make you happier then go for it,what does ur fella think or have u not talked to him bout it? i'm sure it would make any girl more confident anyway,mine are a good size at the mo but i'm like 12-14 so if i did go down to a 6 or 8 which would never happen cos i love my food and sweets too much lol then they would be small again cos i was an 8 once believe it or not and they were a very small b cup now more a c cup but u gotta put up wiv fat arse fat thighs and a big jelly belly to get that c cup ha ha not fair ;0(

right best go to bed,nite nite hun and it was interesting reading ur blogs as usual,sweet dreams ♥

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