Train wreck.

Right. I am so fucking angry right now.
I left a comment on a blog i read, that happens to be a friend of American girl...

Here is my comment...

Sarah♥ said...
I know i am not meant to comment on your blog, so i apologise.

I really feel for your loss, another loss, that is so sad. I do know how it feels to go through miscarriages, and it's not pleasant.

I do believe things happen for a reason, and when your time is right, you'll fall pregnant again. Just pick yourself up, take a break and start again. Life IS shit at times and it throws ton's of it at us, but the great saying is "What doesn't kill us, will make us stronger." Take time out for YOU. Get fit, stop smoking (i should really think about that one), and enjoy your family... just for a while.

I have a friend who has to use Progesterone suppositories to keep her baby (in there) - at least for 12 weeks after conception. She is still terrified at nearly 10 weeks that someone awful is going to happen. Being pregnant is bloody stressful.

Wishing you all the best.
Miss Sarah.

November 17, 2010 4:02 AM

Sarah♥ said...
BTW - I will not be offended if you choose not to publish my comment.

November 17, 2010 4:26 AM

And THIS is what the nasty American chick wrote... Is it me, or was that totally uncalled for?

Oriospace said...
LOL. The LAST person I'd take advice from would be the Train Wreck from England.

GO AWAY. Yuck.

November 17, 2010 10:55 AM

Was there ANY need for that PUBLIC attack (yet again?)
I wasn't commenting on HER blog, attacking HER....Nothing.
Really, really, pissed off.


vinny said…
no there was no need for that,it shows ur care about peoples feeling and she obviously does not,its a horrid thing to happen to anyone and u were being the bigger person in showing ur support,even though i don't agree with the comment thing happen for a reason but thats just me,i thought ur post was very nice and thoughtful so that attack back was uncalled for,shows was a nasty piece of work she is too ;0(
don't let it upset you hun x♥x

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