Why i HATE November.....

November will go down AGAIN for the shittiest month of the year.

I got a call from my ex this morning to say that Stinky's 'GREAT' Nanna had died at 5.30am, she was 97. I am so upset. It's horrible. She was a lovely lady, but after suffering a fall in May she never recovered. On Wednesday she was transferred to a nearby hospital and was given 2 days to live. She refused water/food and was on a drip but kept pulling it out. My ex went to see her and all she said was "Please God, let me die, i am dying, please take me God." Clearly God didn't want her then.....

I'm sad because i've got to tell Stinky later on. I've notified the school and they've suggested a day off tomorrow. If anyone can offer me advice (BEFORE 3PM) on how to tackle this subject with my son, i would really appreciate it. He knew she was ill, but i don't think he quite 'got it'... :(

So yeah.

November is also the month when i lost my granny at the age of 11. When i found her dead in my mums utility room. I was alone with her :(

November (on the same day i lost my granny 22nd, different year) my beautiful friend lost her amazing mother after having cancer. She was only diagnosed a matter of weeks before.

I HATE NOVEMBER!!! Hurry up December....please.


Flipper said…
I'm really sorry to hear your news :( I have no real advice on how to tell him as I've never had to do that before. However having been on the receiving end of news like that when I was little I would say there is no easy way, just be honest with him and give him lots of cuddles and answer any questions he may have. Often kids need a lot of reassurance at that age so just play it by ear.

Lots of love to you both xxx
vinny said…
so sorry for ur loss hunny,and sorry i wasnt around at the time to give any advice even though i really would not know what to say,my mum died of cancer and it brings it back to me when u said about her pulling her drip out as thats what my mum did,well it was a needle in her arm and she just yanked it out so not a very nice scene,he is a bit too young to really understand as i was 14 and 14 when my parents died and even then i did not understand what the hell was going on,i have still never got over it to this day,don't think i will ever come to terms with the loss,when ur younger it hits u harder especially when its a parent u lose,i hope you managed to sit him down and do ur best to tell him,i'm sure you did as ur very caring mum and hope he sort of understood,will you be going to the funeral?thats a hard thing to decide too,i feel for you both very much and i'm sorry the month of november has brought it all flooding back to you,she lived until old age and hope she had a very good life,it doesn't make it any easier but she is at peace now
{{{massive hugs to you both}}}
i'm so sorry for ur loss once again and my sympathy is with you at this sad time xxxx♥xxxx
Sarah♥ said…
Hi and thank you to you both!

Sorry to read about your parents passing Vinny, that is the most awful thing to happen so young :(

Do you know something. It NEVER ceases to amaze me how some people can be SO fucking insensitve. SHE reads my blog, so she must know that i am grieving - and then she puts the fucking boot in - again!!!!

There is only one word that i would use to describe her and it begins in C and ends in T, and i NEVER EVER use that word! THAT is how mad i am.

vinny said…
mmm the word cat comes to mind too,only kidding i know which word u mean and yeah i would be just as fu**ed off as u are right now,why put the boot in when somebody is grieving for a loved one,thats just not on and dam right insensative,what ever has happened in the past then they should leave in the past but when something as awful as death happens then we should all show love and sympathy what a w**ker that's all i can say,nasty to the core,hope you and ur son can get through this together and are strong for each other ;0) love always xxxx
and thanks for ur kindness on about my parents,a long time ago now but still seems like yesterday sometimes ♥♥

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