Thank God for rain!

...granted, there are still a few 'bald' patches in my grass, the it's 80% there. Just look how green it is. A-MAZ-ING! Typical British summer i have to add. Rain, rain and more rain! :)


vinny said…
wow it looks so different,looks like uve given it weed and feed or whatever they call it lol,very nice ;0)
we had been putting the hose on ours daily before the rain came and it went dead green too but the blumin government have just fitted evryone with a water meter around here,i think they are doing it all over so no more hose pipes for us ;0( so its bound to just die now during the hot weather xxx
vinny said…
if you right click on my little pic and save to ur desktop or something you will be able to see how big my bump is now its getting huge lol only 8 weeks to go now though,how is ur friend getting on with her little boy,have you seen them much? hope they are all doing well ♥♥
Sarah♥ said…
OMG Vinny - you are teeny tiny (and VERY pretty too!). I like being able to see who i am talking to... :)

Can't believe you only have 8 weeks to go, where has the time gone?????

My friend, isn't doing so well. Baby George is crying CONSTANTLY. She had 18 hours sleep in 2 weeks. He feeds ALL the time and as soon as she puts him down, he's crying again :(

vinny said…
Thanks Sarah i don't feel teeny tiny lol and i know 8 weeks sounds too close and scary for me,sorry George isnt getting on too well and ur friend must be knackered,hope Teegan isnt like that cos i love my sleep and get dead cranky and bad mooded if i don't get enough lol but at least i have my fella to help out that will be great,really hope the little man settles soon so she can get some well earned sleep,could you watch him for a few hours at hers while she got some shut eye?or is she too paniky to leave him with anybody yet?yeah i don't like putting pics of myself on the internet but i don't mind that small just for you to see ;0)
have a lovely evening xx♥xx
love always

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