..I'm going to say how i feel....

This blog i have been writing since about 2002/2003, so quite a few years.

I've had my disagreements with people in the past and thankfully i thought that was all over.... Until now.

There is not much i can say apart from this......

If you don't like what you read then don't read, it REALLY IS as simple as that. No one forces anyone to click on my profile, or go to a link or whatever.. I just don't get it. I don't get why people have to be mean, thinking they know my life and what goes on behind closed doors. Obviously i only disclose what i want people to know, i don't divulge everything, because some of it is personal and that's the way i like it. But when i am criticised, abused and accused of certain things, that is what really annoys me...Do NOT assume anything about my life, get the facts RIGHT before guessing... because 9/10 you're wrong...and trust me, you are SO wrong...

Now...Take your last stupid comment, shove it up your backside and go away.
Absolutely pathetic...I have no time for people who have just want to bring others down, constructive criticism definitely.... negative and slandering criticism, no.

I didn't want to have to write this, but why should i ignore it.....???

I don't think i should be scared or worried about what i wright for the fear of repercussions... but its got to that stage where i am ... i'm not writing what i want.

That's all.


It is unfortunate that someone had to be rude and from what I gather, judgmental.

This is your space to express and I hope you will continue to do so. I truly appreciate what you have shared. It helps more people than you probably realize.

The best to you.
Sarah♥ said…
It's more the accusations and assumptions that i got annoyed about.. Plus the pigeon holing and stereotyping, that didn't make me happy either, oh and the fact i was called "Shallow" because i have an issue with the wrinkles on my face, but i shouldn't have an issue because i don't go out for anyone to see them. I am so far off being shallow....
Miss F said…
Stuff them , as you said, why the hell are they reading if they dont like it? and its silly for someone to say you should not worry about anything because you dont go out....what are we meant to do, hide in a closet and not wash, shower , have any sort of pride in our appearance. These are people who DINT understand. They dont know what it is like to be stuck in your home, or how buying something for yourself may be the ONLY thing that week that cheers you up and keeps you going on a nd fighting to get better. Ignore them xx
I didn't see the comments, but I gathered the jist of them from other peoples comments. One of the best things you can do to help anxiety and depression is to take care of yourself. To get up in the morning, get dressed, put makeup on, do you hair....even if all you do is sit on the couch all day. You need to feel good about yourself! You need to spoil yourself! That is why I am so damn miserable being a fat cow...I don't feel good about myself. And I know when I lose weight a bother to get dressed up...I will be a whole lot less depressed.
Sarah♥ said…
Miss Fiona..

I just carry on my business, and some people may think i come across 'shallow' because i buy lots of products... BUT... it's all because i hate the way i look, and no i don't have money to have surgery, but i do have enough money to try out different things, so why wouldn't i?

Sarah♥ said…
Girl Wonders...

To be honest, i don't really take that good care of myself, but because i am so preoccupied with my face/skin, i do buy things to make me feel better. Does it work? Not really... but there is no harm in trying.

I'm sorry to read that you're not happy... But you are right, getting up, getting dressed does help, but sometimes you do just want to sit there and do nothing.

I'm desperately trying to make myself feel better, and if i choose to purchase a face cream, toner or foundation... then i will!!! Not hurting anyone.

You wouldn't be a woman if you didn't have crap loads of products!! When we moved, I cringed at all the wasted money I spent on products I used once...but that is what us girls do! I wish I could donate it or something! Perhaps I should send it all to you!
Sarah♥ said…
Whatever you don't want... send my way... ;)

vinny said…
shallow? i didn't see the comments either but your not shallow you just want to buy things to try and make you feel better bout yourself,and so what?doesn't everyone? i mean what women in the world doesn't hate something about her appearance cos i know i do,i hate loads about myself and just cos you don't go out much does not mean you don't have to make an effort,i try and make an effort by putting make-up on but most days just feel so crappy that i stay in my pj's and even go back to bed in the afternoon cos i feel so depressed,i think your just perfect how you are hun so don't listen and yes this is your blog and you can say what the heck you like xxxx

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