
It appears that my cat 'Billy Bonkers' has gone missing.  She was in last night when i went to bed, but i've been up since 7 and she's not here, it's now 1pm.   This is TOTALLY out of character.  She doesn't do this.  The furthest she goes is the garden.  Thing is, she's been off her food the last couple of days and i just assumed that she'd gone off the new brand i had bought and was going to buy her a different kind today... But now i don't know.  I've been looking around the estate, calling her, but nothing :(

Getting flipping worried now.

Billy Kitten...

Billy now


WillowKat11 said…
Hi Sarah, have you found Billy yet?, poor thing, i have a cat of my own who is only 3yrs old, i would be a mess too if she went missing, she's an indoor cat but we let her outdoors only when one of us is supervising her, the breeder made me promise not to let her outside so this is my way of compromising for the cats sake :) hope your Billy is found soon. As far as your latest post about your Tesco experience, this sounds a lot like my mum and me although i don't panic as much now but we argue as she's the only support person i have so it can be a bit tense when i need (or want) to go out of the house and she can't then there are usually tears from me before i even get out of the car and from her out of frustration, if there was anyone else it might be easier on her but sadly there isn't, sometimes it's hard for them to understand what we go through, i know how frustrating it must be for her as my brother had agoraphobia before me, (his started at 22 mine at 31yrs) his lasted 5 yrs, mine is now on it's 6th, he was just lucky to find the right medication that worked for him, me not so much but i am thankful that mine was not as bad in some ways although bad enough xo.


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