Let the decorating begin!

I've been out today and got all the painting stuff for my bedroom - didn't have time yesterday after the dentists...

I've been sanding, filling holes.... cleaning, which is a bit stupid since i am painting tomorrow.... I say *me* - i'm not decorating, someone is doing it for me... Someone has kindly offered their services for nothing, no payment, how nice are they!? But i did buy bread so i can make them a sandwich... :o)

My boys dentist went well... They took impressions and an x-ray and we've got to go back in 2 weeks.... So we're off on the 'brace' journey... He's going to be even MORE handsome when his teeth are all fixed :)


Anonymous said…
Hi Sarah. I read your previous post and comments. What an idiot to think that they know you and know your situation. If you have the money, then spend it on what you want. As long as you pay bills and you're not sitting at home drinking/taking drugs all day what is the problem? What the heck is it to do with them? Just jealous I reckon.

coffeecup said…
If you're on benefit the only things you ought to be able to afford is food and the bills right? Well that's how it makes you feel!! £100 or thereabouts a week does not stretch far! When I was living in a flat on my own I was skint. I had to go begging to my Mum and Dad to make ends meet. Now I live in my Dad's house and have quit cigarettes and I don't have to worry about bills and my Mum feeds me. The government do not means test these benefits so you can still get them even if you're married to a millionaire.

I don't know what income you get but if you want to buy a tin of paint for your room then go for it. Let's face it, there's bugger all else to look forward to when you're agoraphobic and if buying bits and bobs gives you some comfort and something to look forward to occasionally then who is to criticise that? I much preferred the income I had when I had a job and no anxiety! I'd swap places in an instant if I could. I think people would rather sick people just sat at home and did nothing except stare at the wall and be grateful for being fed!!

I can't afford to decorate my room here but I wouldn't criticise you because you can. My carpet is totally covered in stains, the walls haven't been painted in ten years and I have to put up with it or use a couple of months worth of benefits to save for flooring. I wish I had more money too. Sometimes it might look like we have nice things but truth is, on benefits you can't afford to get many things, especially the bigs ones, and that covers stuff like dentist bills etc. It's tough! Really tough. So anyone who asks about my finances would be told to take a running jump. Makes you feel sooo guilty though for being a benefit scrounger!

Off soap box now. Looking for to the big reveal and Stinky's new smile.

Sarah♥ said…
Steph.. I am very lucky in the fact that i claim only child tax credits and child benefit... I have my own finances that admittedly will NOT last forever... I give it maybe another 6 months until i am claiming for financial support. When my ex left, i'd been working A LOT of hours.... 6 days a week for a long long time, and out of that money i bought 1/2 the food.. the rest i saved. Then i bought and sold a car (only a year old), so i had that money sitting there.. and then i was involved in a car crash which i was paid a stupid amount of compensation for...

I shouldn't have to justify what i spend my money on... BUT... if i was on benefits, and i STILL wanted to spend my money (if i had any), that again would be my business.

Bottom line is, i cannot work full time or even part time, i cannot leave the house alone... and unfortunately, there is very little i can do about that right now..
coffeecup said…
Oh Sarah, see now I've made you explain!! :( You know when I got first started having panic and anxiety I used my (work) savings too before I was forced to claim incapacity benefit. I simply did not know that I was entitled to anything, plus, I thought I was going to get better. It was only when I split from my then boyfriend and had to find somewhere to live that I was told to make a claim. It would be worth your while looking at the forms well in advance if you feel you might need to take that route in future. If your savings are less than £16,000 you are entitled to claim ESA now. What's to lose by applying? Though it's a pretty degrading process.

The way I see it is that healthy minded people might spend their money on meals out, cinema, holidays etc etc. When you don't go out then clothes and home is what you do spend any spare cash on. People make such assumptions. The way people are pointing fingers these days you feel guilty for every penny. Sometimes I overlook the reason why I get benefit because the accusations being thrown about make you feel like scum. It's dreadful really. Anyone can get sick at anytime. Maybe they should think about that. It might be them in our shoes one day soon.
Sarah♥ said…
To be honest, i think the person who even dared to question my finances is bloody rude. How dare they? I would NEVER go up to anyone and ask them where they get their money from and what they spend it on.... Fuck me, i am pissed off, especially without know the background and just assuming i am on government benefits... and THEN having the cheek to say i give other people on benefits a bad name, AGAIN WITHOUT KNOWING ANY FACTS - So annoyed!!!!
Sarah♥ said…
This person who said all this had 'Mental health problems' quite severe ones at that, and MADE herself work.. Which, you know, fair play... I CANNOT work, i can't go out alone... MASSIVE problem when it comes to working. She also told me to get off my computer and i would find work... Hmmm... My laptop is my social life... Its where i talk to people, it's what i do... I don't watch television, i look for nice things IE. houses...that i will buy when i win the lottery...lol. i clean my house daily, i do washing, i prepare dinner for my son - i don't *just* sit on my computer all day...

I will wait until i have nothing left - i'll just feel better, and it'll be like starting from scratch...

I have huge problems with people on benefits, the kind of people who i see walk around town with a can of Carlsberg in their hand at 10am..or the kind that sit on their fucking arses when they just cannot be bothered to find a job, for NO GOOD REASON! People who through no fault of their own, who need the money to live, survive, then yeah.... that's totally cool... I know you definitely would rather be out working...as would i....but if the help is there, and all those lazy fuckers take advantage...why can't we?... I certainly will when the time is right, that's for sure, and i won't give a shit what anyone says.
coffeecup said…
Whoa! I had no idea this stuff had been aimed at you. Good grief! See when people say these things we all take it personally. It's a weird time for all the people having to switch from Incapcity to ESA. We're all being made to feel like scroungers because of false statistics and the media in hysterics. It's the minority that give the majority of genuinely sick and vulnerable people a bad name. I hope you never have to go down the benefits route. You have six months to win the lottery. I challenge you to hit the jackpot! But if you don't :( don't ever feel guilty for claiming what you are genuinely entitled to and spend it as you please :) x

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