Should i stop blogging?

I've had a whole day to digest the comment that was left for me and it does sadden me.

I write on my blog because it's an outlet for me. It lets me express my true self. Yes, of course i am leaving myself wide open to criticism but to be honest, if i was reading a blog written by a person who felt so badly about themselves/their lives, the last thing in the world i would do is start putting them down, especially making comments about their father which is a real sore subject for me to deal with.

I don't know if i can handle that kind of shit right now.. I don't need any other added negativity in my life.


Shelly said…
Damn, I just went back and read the anonymous comment.

That's harsh.

I would just keep trying hard like you do. I think you have made a lot of progress.
Sarah♥ said…
Thank you Shelly.
Miss F said…
That comment was a load of absolute garbage ! There is nothing i hate more than people who claim to 'not read blogs' whn they clearly do ! Its quite cimple, if you dont wnat to read something, dont read it. These insecure people read it solely for the purpose of putting others down. Sarah, please dont stop blogging, i went through the exact same thing this week because of bullying etc, and although i have never been depressed, it was the only time i have ever wanted to or tired to kill myself. Our bogs belong to us and i think they are genuinely part of us understanding what is happening to us and helping us cope.
I will never forget finding your blog when i first got agoraphobia, i honestly thought i was the only one, and i found this blog and i felt like you gave me my life back again and the courage to go on.
I have had so many negative things written about me on my blog, and now within a facebook support group also, and i decided 'fuck you, you will NOT take my blog from me too'. Lets just keep going together.
Obviously this person does like the blog if they cant seem to stop reading and i would honestly say they are jelous of you.
em said…
all you can do is keep on trying. thats all anyone can do. i mean if i dont like football i wouldnt watch it, why read something that doesnt interest you, the mind boggles! take care. (oh by the way i dont like football, yep and i dont watch it!). x
coffeecup said…
Noooo! Please don't stop blogging. This is your blog and you can say what you like and if people can't deal with that send their comments to the spam bin where they belong. I haven't seen the comment left by the troll. Unfortunately there are some sad attention seeking people out there who like to be provactive in order to make themselves feel special. Don't let that tiny minority spoil this wonderful blog please Sarah. Be yourself. You are lovely! X :)
Sarah♥ said…
I've written this blog for years and years, like i keep saying, i've had 'episodes' of bad comments by one person and i'm hoping that's all in the past now, but just lately i am getting more and more. It's very very strange why this is happening more frequently.

I had no idea what i am writing was offensive.. makes me question myself...
Clare said…
Sarah, these people post annonymously for a reason, they aren't brave enough to let you know who they are. This is your blog, your space, please don't let some petty minded idiots stop you doing what you obviously enjoy.

Isn't there a way you can limit who posts, ie can't you activate security so only people who leave an email address can comment?? Only a suggestion, but I for one will be sad if you decide not to continue blogging.

Take care x
Sarah♥ said…

I don't mind positive constructive criticism by people who don't hide behind anonymous comments, but just sheer bloody-minded negative nastiness, i am not enjoying.

vinny said…
This is your own blog,your space to either be happy.cry.moan or let off steam and to help people which you do all the time,mmmm dunno what money has to do with anything,your money so you can do what the heck you like with it,nosy gits lol,nobody should give a shite if you went out and bought a pet monkey,who cares it's up to you and yes i did think the comment about your dad was the worse as both my parents have passed away but if there is one thing i hate its favouritism as its just so unfair and should not happen between children as that's cruel so of course your gonna feel like crap over that,yes they are hiding theirnames for a reasonand as you said,if they stopped following then they sure know an awful lot of new things about hollister etc which wasn't even that long ago really,so i think they must read on a daily basis as do i most days when i can but sometimes have not got a min to comment what with Teegan now but i had to comment on this one as those people are just nosy Sarah who instead of trying to help you,just make you feel worse so NO PLEASE don't stop blogging,if you were not trying to help yourself then why would you be doing this blog and some video's you do? why would they have picked you for that website,why would have have met ruby wax etc if your not that bad?they chose you because you do suffer loads of different things,take no notice and again they should stop reading and not just pretend they have stopped lol,love and hugs for a good w.end from vin xx♥xx
Sarah♥ said…
Thanks Vinny, i appreciate that.
Dearest Sarah,

Though it might be difficult to not take something like that "anonymous" comment left; I agree; that THIS IS YOUR SPACE. You sharing what you do, is; READ THIS : IS HELPFUL FOR OTHERS WHO FEEL ALONE IN THEIR OWN STRUGGLES. As in; you are providing something to those (other than that anonymous individual) that resonates.

I truly hope that regardless of the meanness of another, you will continue to share. I appreciate coming here to read and nod my head; breathe in and breathe out for the sake of knowing I am not alone in aspects of my own journey.

You keep being you and celebrate the growth that you've had. Regardless of those who creep in and out at times; they are part of your process. You don't have to allow them to dictate what you do or don't do.

Thank you for being so willing. I for one, have found great benefit in it all.

Do take care of you the very best you can.

Sending light and hopes of calm. :)
Sarah♥ said…
Wow...That comment had me left in tears...

I DO struggle...i make progress, then i go back...i make progress, then i go back again... that's what it's all about. Perhaps sometimes i am negative and very much 'woe is me' but when i try my hardest and it results in being scared again - why can't i moan about it...

I COULD moan to my family, but then i don't want my mother to worry about it, so i come here...

Thank you SO much for your lovely comment...Really, thank you xxx
WillowKat11 said…
Hi Sarah, i have been reading your blog on and off for a while, i haven't yet commented as i don't often have much to add but i do appreciate you blogging and sharing your life and struggles with agoraphobia etc so i hope you don't get too discouraged by negative comments such as the one you are speaking of here (which i just read today also). As someone who is going through similar struggles, i would never put another down who is struggling with the same things knowing full well how bad and how down one can get, when i read your blog all i am left feeling is that i can totally empathise, never has it crossed my mind to think anything negative about you. I myself have lost a few friends due to their attitude of not understanding the vicious cycle of it all (and the thinking that one can just be positive and snap out of it by getting on with life, assuming one has a life left to get on with after all this), having people who judge you is probably one of the worst parts of it and so it's no wonder so many people don't talk about it or get the help they need. I've decided if someone wants to criticise me because of something i didn't choose i will just be glad not to have them in my life, i guess when blogging it's a bit different. Every time you manage to do something difficult is a great thing so don't let anyone discourage you when things are not going well, hope you keep going with your blog and don't let anyone make you believe you are hopeless and beyond hope, i know you aren't and are quite a strong person just by putting your feelings here, thank you for doing that as those that are going through it do appreciate knowing they are not alone. xo. (sorry for the rant :)

Sarah♥ said…
Hello and thank you so much for commenting...

You know, i am so glad some people can understand what i am going through, and by the content of the comments and emails i have received no one minds that i moan sometimes... which is good.. Because this IS real life... and this is what it's like for me...

I can handle constructive opinions...but when it's just having a go... i don't need that.

Some people out there just don't get it at all and what is even worse than those people are the ones who HAVE recovered and got well - who then think they are the most amazing people in the world. Don't get me wrong, if you can overcome this fear, then yes, you are pretty amazing, but DO NOT act like you forget how hard the struggle was to get there... AND some people find it harder than others... and i find the fear overwhelmingly terrifying... I WANT to be well, i WANT to be normal... Why the hell would i want to be cooped up in my fricking house for 13 years, 'cause trust me, this is not fun....

I hope you're okay and thank you so much for your input...


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