Going out tonight...

..A leaving party of my old bosses at the pub... Feel so tired...exhausted in fact. Still fed up, anxious... but i am going to try my best. My skin has broken out too...just to make me feel better!!!!


vinny said…
oh good hope you have a nice time,yeah i always break out in spots before an event,i think it's worry that does it,oh btw do you use hair dryer or straighteners on ya hair?as i bought something called babyliss big hair the other week,its a hair dryer with a brush on the end but when you press a button the brush turns/rolls and it can turn either way out or in and it gives you a lovely just stepped out of a hairdressers look so i would highly recomend it,cheapest i think is 40 quid john lewis if you wanna spoil yourself,anyway doll yourself up and have a really nice night,try not to worry hunny xxxx
Sarah♥ said…
Thank you Vinny..

I use GHD straighteners... LOVE them!!!! :) What you have sounds pretty good too, and so much cheaper than GHD's.... ;)

vinny said…
a song just for you as you are so beautiful so don't ever let anyone get you down,love and hugs always xxx

Sarah♥ said…

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