Ha... I forgot about this one...



vinny said…
wow how come ur so famous miss sarah? i'm talking to a celeb lol. no its nice to read ur story,its horrid but ive been going through the same for many years now and don't want this crap for my baby where i can't leave the house etc etc cos yep i still get panic attacks all the time now,still take tablets which also mean i can't breast feed ;0(
i don't want it to get in the way of her having a normal life or her or her friends noticing i'm weird,why can't mummy eat in front of us daddy? what do u tell a child? i shake a lot too,i didn't think it was that noticable but one day my nephew said to me WHY DO UR HANDS SHAKE SO MUCH?? i had to go out the room and cry cos i could't believe a 5 year old had noticed.i get to the point where i can't breath and just feel like faiting and running away and end up just coming home,i feel like i'm a drain on other peoples lives cos i can't do anything or go anywhere etc,but i had to have a baby one day as i love babies and i'm 33 in jan so would be getting too old,so i couldn't let my anxiety get in the way even though i think it will,this is why i'm so paniky about the birth cos i'm having stupid thoughts ;0( thanks for the reading it was good xx♥xx
Sarah♥ said…
Totally understand where you are coming from but you are in a MUCH better place than where i was when i was pregnant.

Thank God, me being like this hasn't effected my boy in the slightest. He has still maintained a 'normal' social life, despite me being mental, the ONLY initial problem i would say is having to explain to his friends' parents why i can't pick him up, which i now find very easy because i don't give a shit what they think!!!!

Put it this way my lovely, when i was in hospital (taken in because of pre-eclampsia) i was panicking a lot by then, my poor first ex husband who was a life saver, slept outside the hospital in his car because he knew how terrified i was of being all that way from home. It was late October, freezing cold and he did that from Saturday - Tuesday. After i had him on Tuesday evening he was so exhausted he had to go home and sleep. I cried ALL night. They gave me a pill to chill me out, but it didn't work. Luckily, he was there at 8 in the morning to come to my rescue.

I don't think you'll be as bad as that. When labour starts, you don't panic...you don't have time to ;) You will be absolutely fine, i promise. :)
vinny said…
wow you did go through a lot while you were pregnant,soz about that,how come you didn't ask for ur fella to stay in the hospital with you as thats what ive done,ive been to see an obstrician and asked her if he can stay with me after the baby is born if i need to stay overnight as ive never been alone anywhere before and i just couldn't do it,my anxiety and panic attacks would go through the roof and that's no good with a new baby to look after,they don't usually do it but she said they will try and find us a room instead of going onto the ward with other mums as men arnt allowed there overnight,so i'm just not gonna take no for an answer when push comes to shove,my fella don't drive at the mo so we aint got a car for him to sleep in as otherwise i'm sure he would do that too cos he know's how scared i get,thanks for the kind words hun,i always thought i would be terrified when i go into labour but maybe your right and i might be calm who knows i hope so xx♥xx

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